Preparing for the School Year

Time to go back to school! It is a very exciting time of year, full of possibilities for all of our young students.  This time of year can also be a little stressful, as schedule changes tend to be. Here are some tips for making the beginning of school awesome!

  • Label everything with your child’s name or initials (clothes, backpack, lunch boxes, etc.)
  • If your child is going to a new school or new class, schedule a meeting (in-person or phone) with the school personal to talk about your child and specific strategies that will help make the beginning of the year successful
  • Keep open communication with the school support staff throughout the first several days of school to see how you can help your child
  • If you know ahead of time, take photos of your child’s new classroom, teacher, support staff, playground, office, etc. and make your child a photo book

Here is an example of a photo book you could name and label for your child to review: