Center-Based ABA for Autism
Step into one of our autism centers, and you will immediately notice one thing: they were designed with children first. With toys, games, musical instruments, activity centers, and more, it’s a children’s paradise. But just below the surface, and baked into every activity is something greater – Behavior Frontiers’ award-winning Applied Behavior Analysis.
Whether your child receives services in a center or at home, the goal remains the same: to expand your child’s skills in areas of need by focusing on their strengths, by creating a positive environment in which your child can grow and thrive, and by teaching and rewarding the behaviors we want to see more of!
However, the center offers opportunities that may not always be accessible at home. Your child will have access to a group of other kids, to help improve their play skills and sharing, and give them the opportunity to learn through socializing. There are also several smaller spaces available, where your child can work on their skills through music, sensory, motor, vocational, and dramatic play, one-on-one with an ABA professional.
What to expect at our Autism Centers
Access to a wide variety of toys and educational materials that may not be available at home
Ability to work on social and play skills with other children
Combination of group and one-on-one treatment
Onsite expertise and oversight from our Board Certified Behavior Analysts
Parent/Caregiver training opportunities
Parent does not need to be present* for treatment, allowing for time to work, errands, etc.
*Varies by insurance carrier
Behavior Frontiers Goes the Extra Mile for Your Family
Customized & Individualized
Your child is an original, which is why our supervisors don’t create “cookie-cutter” programs. With your family’s input, we design personalized plans to guide your child to be the best he or she can be. We are on an ongoing quest to discover what makes your child tick and to tailor our vast curriculum to your child’s unique needs.
Backed by
With ABA, we’ve got science on our side. We know that using only proven methods will do when your child is in a race against time to grow into their best self.
Comprehensive Interventions
Our highly skilled clinicians design interventions that work best to meet your child’s specific needs. Our curriculum includes over 1,000 lessons that can be tailored to teach your child new skills and nurture the special potential he or she has inside.
Measuring your child’s progress with our electronic data collection system is the best way to prevent valuable time from being wasted, since data shows all team members exactly when your child is ready to progress to the next step in the treatment plan.
Team Approach
& Collaboration
It takes a village, which means we collaborate with everyone involved to promote consistency and communication for your child’s success. You know your child the best, which is why we encourage parent input and feedback.
Diversity &
Behavior Frontiers is committed to services that are culturally and linguistically appropriate.
Grand Opening - Chelmsford, MA
Grand Opening - Edina, MN
Grand Opening - Oxnard, CA
Grand Opening - Chesapeake, VA