Behavior Frontiers is Now In-Network With Friday Health Plans!
We are so pleased to announce that Behavior Frontiers is now an in-network ABA provider for Friday Health Plans in Colorado and Texas! Friday provides tech-enabled plans that meet all Affordable Care Act requirements, and give individual subscribers ownership of their own health plans. This innovative system allows Friday to offer plans at lower costs while still maintaining excellence in care. Friday will be expanding into more states soon, so check out to see when they will be coming to your area.
Behavior Frontiers is so happy to partner with Friday Health Plans to bring our best-in-class ABA services to even more families. If you already have a plan with Friday, and are interested in starting or transferring ABA services with Behavior Frontiers, we offer free and easy benefits verifications. Contact us to get started today!
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Behavior Frontiers Celebrates the Achievements of People with Autism!
So frequently, when discussing people who live on the autism spectrum, the focus is on the challenges and the fears about the future. But in amongst those fears are some incredible stories! Individuals with autism who overcome the challenges they face, or, just as frequently, who use their unique perspectives to change the world around them. So, this Autism Acceptance Month, we will be telling their stories. Here are just a couple to kick things off.
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Save The Date! Los Angeles Autism Treatment Center Opening April 24th
Our newest Autism Treatment Center will be opening soon! Mark your calendars for our grand opening on April 24th, with more information coming soon. The new center, located at 1149 West 190th Street, Suite 2200 in Los Angeles, will continue to offer the individualized ABA programming that Behavior Frontiers is known for, while also creating additional opportunities to work on socialization and play skills. The center will offer more than 7200 square feet of space, including large playrooms and smaller, individual therapy rooms. These custom spaces will allow for treatment goals to be facilitated in a variety of settings. The areas include 20 individual treatment rooms, 9 socially distanced group treatment rooms (allowing for two children per space), and state of the art activity rooms, including gross motor, vocational, dramatic play, library with a technology center, and play therapy rooms.
For all of the latest info, make sure you’re following us on Facebook and Instagram!
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