Preventing Elopement in Children with ASD

Every parent worries about keeping their children safe at home. The fear might be about the cabinet under the sink where you keep the cleaning supplies, or maybe that pointy corner on a coffee table. For the parents of children with autism, the list of worries grows. If you have a child with elopement issues, you have to constantly consider your environment: is that lock high enough to be out of reach? Can my child figure out this new latching system? It can be a constant source of stress.

If your child’s issue is elopement, there are several things you can do to help ensure that they remain in a safe environment.

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Behavior Frontiers Gets Into the Halloween Spirit with Annual Costume Contest!

To celebrate Halloween, we asked our team members to put their best foot forward with our annual Halloween Costume Contest. We were absolutely blown away by both the number of submissions, and by how creative everyone was! With categories for best-dressed pet, junior costumes, most creative, best group, and more, everyone had an opportunity to show off their amazing artistry (and their adorable children and pets!). Check out some of the favorites below!

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