More Anniversary Events in the Works!

Behavior Frontiers’ 15-year anniversary celebrations are continuing across the country! We just wrapped up events in Bakersfield, CA, and in Denver/Boulder, CO, and our clients, staff, and community members all had a wonderful time. Each Anniversary Event is yet another opportunity for us to express our heartfelt thanks to the people who have helped us reach this milestone anniversary – our clients, our unrivaled staff and the wonderful communities we have the honor and pleasure of serving.

Next up on the anniversary celebrations agenda is the event at Underwood Family Farms, in Ventura County, CA, on November 2, 2019. This unique venue will afford attendees opportunities to interact with ponies and other farm animals, to enjoy a tractor ride, and to play on the bounce houses and giant slide, in addition to many other fun and interactive offerings at the Family Farm.

As with all Behavior Frontiers’ anniversary events, the event in Ventura is completely free (RSVP is required)! It includes admission and special Behavior Frontiers anniversary giveaways.

To RSVP for this event, and to see when our celebrations will be coming to your region, check out our Events page!

And, to see how fun and fabulous previous Anniversary Events have been, check out the photo galleries on our special 15-Year Anniversary page.

October 15, 2019

K Papera